We are Landkit

About Landkit

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Reach new heights with Landkit

We believe happy employees deliver the best services. Come join us.


Components make any design stand out


Unique hero sections that can easily be dropped into any section


Strong team supporting Landkit template

Meet Your Colleagues

Join our global team and enjoy the ride!

John Doe, CEO Founder

"As an designer, I love the technical challenges that come with a fast growing company."

John Doe, Designer

"As an designer, I love the technical challenges that come with a fast growing company."

John Doe, Developer

"As an designer, I love the technical challenges that come with a fast growing company."

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For å halda deg oppdatert om kva som er mogleg, samt få tips om bokdesign og bokutgjevingar, følg gjerne Enkelbok.no på Instagram og Facebook.